Though we are a fitness studio, here at Peakland Studio we believe in taking care of yourself as a whole (mind, body, and spirit). In times of stress such as these, it’s easy to get carried away in our thoughts and go down rabbit holes that don’t serve us. Here are some simple tips to center yourself through meditation even in the most tumultuous times.
- First, don’t put pressure on yourself to adhere to a lofty time-goal for meditating. Start with one or two minutes and build from there. A habit is a lot easier to form if you stick to small, reasonable goals.
- Secondly, don’t be hard on yourself when you sit down and a million thoughts flood your mind. This is normal and to be expected even in normal circumstances. See the thoughts and let them float away like clouds above you. You don’t have to become your thoughts! Acknowledge you are having them and then draw your attention back to the moment.
- Lastly, when you are practicing your breathing place your hands on your heart or your belly. This tactile feedback can help you know if you are breathing deeply down into your belly or taking shallow chest breaths. Belly breathing is important because it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (the calming part of your nervous system).
Below, find a sample video of a breathing tactic to help calm the nervous system. It’s called box breathing and is explained in the video. Start with a minute or two a day and notice how you feel. Keep calm and carry on!