The All or Nothing Mindset

Jenna Chalk

The All or Nothing Mindset (Video)

The “all or nothing” mindset can really sabotage your health and fitness goals. Prior to children, I (Jenna) was stuck feeling like I could never carve out and hour for my workout. I convinced myself that if I didn’t have an hour, it wasn’t worth it and I wouldn’t see results. I was stuck in a cycle of shaming myself for not reaching my unattainable expectations. In this vlog I discuss how I got rid of that limiting belief and opened up a world of freedom and results for myself. If you are stuck in this mindset or are curious to see if it applies to you, watch this short video. Learn that there’s a whole new world out there for you if you restructure your belief system and build healthy habits! How have you adapted your thoughts to reach your goals? We’d love to hear!

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